Four hundred million funds are difficult don't pour a leaf of autumn, at leaf leading of autumn under, the third generation in leaf's house finally the male rise.Leaf's tiger adjusts a violet squad, now part-time violet squad pair the captain is one job.This leaves for the sake of the leaf autumn he takes office captain but does of farsighted preparation. The leaf returns in triumph a general situation view best, from the leaf's business enterprise exhibition that he controls is fast fierce.But leaf the autumn get from huge gambling in New York of stock's producing power and mineral power are also that the incomes are rather plentifuls.However, leaf's returning in triumph is being placed in the important stage of national layout now, only for developing the car industry of China independent brand, create of a car the related industry egg turn a base of ex- expect to invest have to 40 hundred million. The horse of this main category purpose is getting a leaf for autumn be willing to, at that time leaf autumn just at Su Hang, the leaf returned in triumph in person rush through in the past, talked quite a few hour with leaf autumn.Those money is leaf autumn of, although the leaf autumn once said that he has independent power.But so large sum of investment, he still good arrive a leaf autumn of be willing to just go. Earn much, spend sooner.The autumn of the leaf can't dig money from the his hand as well. However, the leaf dyes of investment company frequently make moves at the this time financial crisis front, cut to get rather plentiful.The investment temporarily has no set over a long period of time the opportunity now, but with lend the leaf 1,000,000,000 capitals for providing for autumn, the rather with talent leaf dyes in the short date to invest on the business last reach to now seven more hundred million.But From she and her teacher Si Di aroma the private fund for establishing in overseas is also that collect wealth machine. The aroma of Si Di is before the trump card investment of Wall Street hand, because be subjected to black the intimidation helping make track for to kill, so is just always like fleeing for life of the dog sort of funeral house.The leaf dyed to recommend him, and made him serve as the total representative director of this outside hurl fund.The autumn of the leaf's hasing never thought their teacher and pupil will give his/her own so big surprise, before the thunder Man brothers application goes bankrupt, they buy low Gao Mai, the time in less than a year, unexpectedly make a profit USD 500,000,000. Although the exchange rate of U.S. dollar has a fall, but, according to leaf autumn previous devotion to compute, these was also several exorbitant profitses. Doing not say to is the investment of 400,000,000 Hong Kong dollars is even if 4,000,000,000 Hong Kong dollars, leaf autumn can also the ground come out. Just he understands a truth, rich everyone earns.A person earns money all clean, the person who give offense to so will be a lot of.And, can with the business of this Hong Kong group leader household of the west family in the door bind together, to oneself, will be beneficial, can't have a fraud. Tang Guo and Lin Bao Ers return in deep water gulf the third, leaf autumn also can live where.The time prepared to return to, but received the telephone of leaf's tiger, said to is now important clues, let a leaf past company for autumn quantity counterplan. The leaf makes a phone call tiger to say to there have an urgent circumstance.The autumn of the leaf wants to rush through to pass by 1 naturally. The matter that the autumn of the leaf wants to do is also inconvenient to let the west's door come in to the east participation.Then make him return to first.Don't also make him send a car to send.Oneself after recruiting the for-rent car of lives for the member of team of dynasty violet squad of half mountain the luxurious villa rush through. The for-rent car driver of Hong Kong is similar to driver in the Yan city.All is comparison ability Kan of.Want ~only last their car.All generally ability and your Lao are a few domestic lives.But because the clothes of leaf autumn is extraordinary.And want to go of of the square is again billionaire's gathering.Then the driver heart drives.Have never dared to come with leaf the autumn strike up a conversation. The autumn of the leaf also just time come to brain.Consider some problems. His work divides 3 now.A part is the work of field organization in a sky.This part from the violet squad and Luo thousand the soldiers wait person to constitute of three groups completely be responsible for. They each group will the data providing according to intelligence report section in the country bureau carry on a survey.Even want to some days the boundary personage carries on keeping off of follow.
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CD One Price Cleaners was built on hard work and honest service,and you can expect that service to continue for years to come. Our stores and pickup and delivery routes are locally owned and operated by a diverse set of franchisees.Get your shirts cleaned and pressed and make sure you always leave a good impression, no matter the occasion. Whether it’s for business, a first-date, or some other occasion where you want to put your best foot forward, CD One has you covered.